Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer in Texas

I really, really hate Texas summers. Day after day after day, the oppressive heat drains my body and mind, giving me a very bad case of the don'ts -- don't wanna do nothing.

If I owned Hell and Texas, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell. -- General Philip Henry Sheridan, 1866

Fortunately, the revolving Earth has a tilted axis. Thus, there is a Southern Hemisphere where the seasons are the reverse of Texas' -- so in exactly two weeks we're flying to Buenos Aires. We'll stay a month, in an apartment on Av. Callao, and hope that the weather has cooled by the time we come back to Fort Worth.

To tease myself, I'm looking at this picture from last year's trip, of me standing near the Puente de la Mujer bridge in Puerto Madero, on a glorious crisp winter day in Argentina.

Puerto Madero

1 comment:

  1. grrr... I wish I could move, but alas, I am stuck in Texas for the foreseeable future.

    How's the blog going? Not too many commenters. Interesting though!
